Hello HEIRS!
I pray that you are walking in the fullness of all that Jesus has given us through His finished work and that you continue to press into the Word He has spoken to us.
The Lord has spoken that there is an open window during the months of June, July, and August and we can expect to see Restoration, Reconciliation, Restitution. We are already hearing testimonies from those in our body of that word being fulfilled in theirs lives. I believe we will hear many more testimonies as we, individually and corporately, declare the word in our lives and in the life of Heirs Covenant Church. God is faithful always to honor His word to us. We must keep it before and walk in faith that is responsive.
- Restoration: the act of restoring; renewal, revival or re-establishment; to return to a former, original, normal or unimpaired condition
- Reconciliation: the restoration of friendly relations; reuniting, bringing together again; the action of making financial accounts consistent; harmonization
- Restitution: reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for loss, damage, or injury caused; indemnification the restoration of property or rights previously taken away, conveyed, or surrendered; restoration to the former or original state or position
I want to encourage you to not place any restrictions on what Restoration, Reconciliation, and Restitution look like or how God desires to bring them about. Simply open your heart to receive it, respond in obedience when He speaks and look for it!
I am also encouraging you to come out this Sunday, July 16 at 11:00 AM for our time of worship and the Word. Let’s join our faith with one another’s to see God move in ways we’ve yet to experience and to hear Him speak to us in ways that will forever change us and fuel us to walk out purpose and destiny with a determination like never before. I believe every time we come together, God’s desire is to reveal His heart to each of us in very real and tangible ways. Invite someone to come with you. Come with great excitement, expectation and anticipation. Come ready to be amazed!
I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday morning at 11:00.
Apostle John