1 God’s plan for you is to prosper you
2 Be confident that you already have the victory. You are not fighting to GET the victory; you already have it and are engaging in an event (or series of events) that is causing that victory to be manifested.
3 Be confident that once you deal with your enemies, completely, you will not have to face them ever again.
4 You will come to a season when you will not have to fight any more. You will have rest on every side! I am not just talking about once you get to Heaven, I am speaking of living on Earth as it IS in Heaven
jamal maxsam
john w. stevenson
john w. stevenson
jon paul henderson
john w. stevenson
jamal maxsam
jamal maxsam
Worship Experience: 10:00 AM EST
Experiencia Dominical En El Reino: En Persona 11:00 AM EST Suite 104
Every Monday at 7:45 A.M. EST Online
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM EST
Come & W.A.I.T. 1st Wednesday: Prophetic prayer, intercession, and worship.
Wisdom Cafe: 2nd – 4th Wednesdays: Interactive group discussion along with Q&A about the Word
Deep Dive Online Bible Study: Thursdays at 7:30 PM EST
HEIRS Covenant Church
The Embassy
621 South Erie Blvd
Hamilton, OH 45011