Revelation brings possession.
Our Faith pulls things from the invisible realm and makes them visible
The enemy is OK with you knowing whose you are as long as you don’t know who you are. When you combine revelation of who God is with the revelation of who you are in God, a greater place of faith and authority can be demonstrated.
Everywhere your foot steps belongs to you, you were sent there so it is yours. The enemy that is in the place (territory) is afraid and dreading your arrival. As a result, the enemy will try to put things in place to try to keep you out. Whether they are in the form of political systems, laws, processes, physical barriers, and / or people that are yielding to him.
We must work in concert with Holy Spirit to take hold of what He has promised, to drive out darkness, and live in peace. The directions we may get from Holy Spirit may appear illogical but will yield supernatural results. Illogical instructions for miraculous results!
Prayer Points for Enemies:
Pray for their freedom from demonic influence and release the love of God over them.
Pray that Holy Spirit arrest them and deal with their hearts until the situation is made right.
Release the host of Heaven to minister the love of God to them, help them to know Christ, and who they are in Him.
Pray for swift justice in the situation
Pray for seven fold repayment of time and anything lost while addressing the situation
jamal maxsam
deborah a. gaston
jon paul henderson
jamal maxsam
john w. stevenson
john w. stevenson
jon paul henderson
Worship Experience: 10:00 AM EST
Experiencia Dominical En El Reino: En Persona 11:00 AM EST Suite 104
Every Monday at 7:45 A.M. EST Online
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM EST
Come & W.A.I.T. 1st Wednesday: Prophetic prayer, intercession, and worship.
Wisdom Cafe: 2nd – 4th Wednesdays: Interactive group discussion along with Q&A about the Word
Deep Dive Online Bible Study: Thursdays at 7:30 PM EST
HEIRS Covenant Church
The Embassy
621 South Erie Blvd
Hamilton, OH 45011