The further you move into the Kingdom, the more the Kingdom will be revealed to you! The more you are able to” see” the endless possibilities that are available to you. (With God ALL THINGS are possible) – Ephesians 3:14-21
The further you move into the Kingdom, the greater the possibility for the Kingdom to be manifested in you and through you! – Romans 8:14-19
The further you move into the Kingdom the less concerned you are about the temporal things around you. You begin to see and live life from an Eternal Perspective. (2 Cor.4:17-18… This light affliction…) – Ecclesiastes 3:11-15
The further you move into the Kingdom the more evidence of the Kingdom will be seen in you. It will be manifested in every area of your life. Your conversation, your relationships, your finances, your health, your attitude, your perspective…. etc. – Ephesians 4:17-32
The further you move into the Kingdom the more your vision becomes clear concerning your purpose and destiny in the Kingdom. You are no longer limited by the mindset of others, nor constraints you were taught that “ministry” is only for those who are “called”. You recognize that “all” in the Body of Christ are called and have a Kingdom Assignment. (Jos.18:3 – You decide) – Ephesians 4:1-7, 2 Timothy 1:7-11
jamal maxsam
deborah a. gaston
jon paul henderson
jamal maxsam
john w. stevenson
john w. stevenson
jon paul henderson
Worship Experience: 10:00 AM EST
Experiencia Dominical En El Reino: En Persona 11:00 AM EST Suite 104
Every Monday at 7:45 A.M. EST Online
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM EST
Come & W.A.I.T. 1st Wednesday: Prophetic prayer, intercession, and worship.
Wisdom Cafe: 2nd – 4th Wednesdays: Interactive group discussion along with Q&A about the Word
Deep Dive Online Bible Study: Thursdays at 7:30 PM EST
HEIRS Covenant Church
The Embassy
621 South Erie Blvd
Hamilton, OH 45011