You must exercise discipline in what you say as well as what you allow to be said to you. The small things make the difference.
We are not only affected by our attitude and the choices that we make, but many times we are affected by the attitude and choices of others. God in His infinite mercy and grace determines the outcome.
The company you keep will determine the destiny you reach.
While living life on God’s terms you must recognize that timing is key. There are seasons of grace, favor, and faith in relation to the accomplishment of certain things.
In certain seasons the grace, favor, and resources are there to accomplish it right then!
jamal maxsam
deborah a. gaston
jon paul henderson
jamal maxsam
john w. stevenson
john w. stevenson
jon paul henderson
Worship Experience: 10:00 AM EST
Experiencia Dominical En El Reino: En Persona 11:00 AM EST Suite 104
Every Monday at 7:45 A.M. EST Online
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM EST
Come & W.A.I.T. 1st Wednesday: Prophetic prayer, intercession, and worship.
Wisdom Cafe: 2nd – 4th Wednesdays: Interactive group discussion along with Q&A about the Word
Deep Dive Online Bible Study: Thursdays at 7:30 PM EST
HEIRS Covenant Church
The Embassy
621 South Erie Blvd
Hamilton, OH 45011